Student Voice Summit 2020
The fifth annual Student Voice Summit, jointly hosted by NZUSA, Te Mana Ākonga, Tauira Pasifika, the New Zealand International Students’ Association and AQA was held in Wellington at Mātauranga House (Rooms 201 & 202), 33 Bowen St. on Thursday 19 November 2020.
The objectives of the 5th Student Voice Summit focused on Professional development and knowledge transfer for incoming student administrations. This was achieved by;
• learning from outgoing student administrations, sharing good practices, ideas and updates on current issues,
• gaining an overview of academic quality processes and academic decision making in the university sector, and
• making connections among incoming administrations and between incoming administrations and quality professionals in universities.

Group image from the day including student representatives from across Aotearoa and AQA's Executive Director Sheelagh Matear and Administrator Tiana Mihaere