Student Voice Summit 2019

The fourth annual Student Voice Summit, jointly hosted by NZUSA, Te Mana Ākonga, Tauira Pasifika and the New Zealand International Students' Association and AQA, was held on Thursday 4 October 2018 at Massey University's Pukeahu Campus in Wellington.

The Student Voice Summit aims to support the professional development and transfer of knowledge for incoming student representatives. SVS19 provided learning opportunities and discussed current issues faced by students across New Zealand. Incoming students were able to gain an overview of academic quality processes and academic decision making in the university sector.

In line with previous summits. SVS19 recognises the difficulty faced by student representatives to advocate on behalf of their students within their universities. We see our support and involvement in this Summit as a way to bring students together alongside quality professionals from within their universities.


Resources and photos from this event can be found below:



Student Voice Summit attendees 2019

 Panel discussion: Being Affective in Academic Committees.

  Panel discussion: You're the Expert.

Students setting priorities in their associated groups during a workshop session.

Students setting priorities in their associated groups during a workshop session.  

Students and academic quality staff meeting over lunch.

 Our Executive Director, Sheelagh Matear, alongside NZUSA President 2019 Caitlin Barlow and Tauira Pasifika President 2020 Ali Leota.